In the course MS PowerPoint 2019: Upgrading from 2003, you will familiarise yourself with the changes brought to you by the new, upgraded version of the program. In the interactive lessons of the course, you will master the work in the new program interface. You will learn where to find the required tools, either on ...
Im Kurs MS PowerPoint 2019: Umstieg von 2003 stellen wir Ihnen die Änderungen in der neuen Programmversion vor. In den interaktiven Lektionen dieses Kurses arbeiten sie in der neuen Programmumgebung. Sie wählen die erforderlichen Tools auf dem Menüband, der Symbolleiste für den schnellen Zugriff oder im Kontextmenü ...
In the course MS PowerPoint 2019: Upgrading from 2007, you will get acquainted with the changes brought to you by the new, upgraded version of the program. In the lessons of this course, you will examine the changes in the program interface, especially those concerning the Backstage view. When creating a new ...
In the course MS PowerPoint 2019: Upgrading from 2007, you will get acquainted with the changes brought to you by the new, upgraded version of the program. In the lessons of this course, you will examine the changes in the program interface, especially those concerning the Backstage view. When creating a new ...
In the course MS PowerPoint 2019: Upgrading from 2010, you will get acquainted with the changes brought to you in the new version of the program. In the lessons of this course, you will examine the changes in the program interface, especially those concerning the Backstage view. You will try to use different themes ...
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