La bibliothèque de cours en ligne vous proposera des concepts de base, dans lesquels vous vous familiariserez avec l’environnement de chaque logiciel et leur prise en main, en passant par la création de documents et leur modification de base, jusqu’à l’utilisation d’outils plus sophistiqués, de sorte que vous sachiez ...
Elektronická podoba dokumentů je vizitkou jejich autora, proto by se jejich tvorbě měla věnovat dostatečná pozornost. Pro vytvoření nejen dokonale vypadajícího, ale také uživatelsky správně fungujícího dokumentu je potřebná hluboká znalost kancelářských programů. Standard v této oblasti určuje již dlouhou dobu balík ...
The set of courses dedicated to Microsoft Word will guide you through plenty of program tools that enable you to create perfectly designed documents, which you can share with other users. The presented tools and procedures are divided into three individual courses according to their difficulty. After getting ...
The set of courses dedicated to Microsoft Word will guide you through plenty of program tools that enable you to create perfectly designed documents, which you can share with other users. The presented tools and procedures are divided into three individual courses according to their difficulty. After getting ...
In the course MS Word 2019: Introduction, you will familiarise yourself with the program interface and the navigation in it. You will learn how to enter basic text properly and how to check spelling and grammar in it. You will examine the options of formatting text and the whole paragraphs. You will get to know the ...
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