Microsoft Office 2019

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  • EducationLanguage: French or German or Czech
  • ProductType: Course packages
  • Application: Word or Access

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Course packages MS Office 2019 - Bibliothèque de 16 cours interactifs

Instruction Language: French
Application Language: French
La bibliothèque de cours en ligne vous proposera des concepts de base, dans lesquels vous vous familiariserez avec l’environnement de chaque logiciel et leur prise en main, en passant par la création de documents et leur modification de base, jusqu’à l’utilisation d’outils plus sophistiqués, de sorte que vous sachiez ...


£ 119.00
£ 143.99 incl. VAT info

Course packages MS Office 2019 - Paket mit 16 interaktiven Lehrgängen

Instruction Language: German
Application Language: German
The way of preparing documents in their electronic version has become an extension of their author. Therefore, this process should be taken quite seriously. In order to create a well-designed document that will be applicable also by other users, you need a decent knowledge of the whole suite of common office programs. ...


£ 119.00
£ 143.99 incl. VAT info

Course packages MS Office 2019 - Knihovna 13 výukových kurzů

Instruction Language: Czech
Application Language: Czech
Elektronická podoba dokumentů je vizitkou jejich autora, proto by se jejich tvorbě měla věnovat dostatečná pozornost. Pro vytvoření nejen dokonale vypadajícího, ale také uživatelsky správně fungujícího dokumentu je potřebná hluboká znalost kancelářských programů. Standard v této oblasti určuje již dlouhou dobu balík ...


£ 74.00
£ 89.54 incl. VAT info

Course packages MS Word 2019 - Suite de 3 cours interactifs

Instruction Language: French
Application Language: French
The set of courses dedicated to Microsoft Word will guide you through plenty of program tools that enable you to create perfectly designed documents, which you can share with other users. The presented tools and procedures are divided into three individual courses according to their difficulty. After getting ...


£ 37.00
£ 44.77 incl. VAT info

Course packages MS Word 2019 - Set mit 3 interaktiven Lehrgängen

Instruction Language: German
Application Language: German
The set of courses dedicated to Microsoft Word will guide you through plenty of program tools that enable you to create perfectly designed documents, which you can share with other users. The presented tools and procedures are divided into three individual courses according to their difficulty. After getting ...


£ 37.00
£ 44.77 incl. VAT info