La bibliothèque de cours en ligne vous proposera des concepts de base, dans lesquels vous vous familiariserez avec l’environnement de chaque logiciel et leur prise en main, en passant par la création de documents et leur modification de base, jusqu’à l’utilisation d’outils plus sophistiqués, de sorte que vous sachiez ...
Elektronická podoba dokumentů je vizitkou jejich autora, proto by se jejich tvorbě měla věnovat dostatečná pozornost. Pro vytvoření nejen dokonale vypadajícího, ale také uživatelsky správně fungujícího dokumentu je potřebná hluboká znalost kancelářských programů. Standard v této oblasti určuje již dlouhou dobu balík ...
Microsoft PowerPoint belongs to the most popular presentation applications. In the interactive lessons dedicated to its usage, you will first learn to create a new presentation. During this process, you will examine the offered themes and templates. Then, step by step, you will try various tools offered by the program ...
Microsoft Outlook is known as a mail client, which further enables its users to keep even other kinds of information and to process them. After getting to know the program environment and its manipulation, you will get acquainted with the options of managing your e-mails. You will learn to create and send messages as ...
Microsoft Access is a program designed for creating and managing relational databases. In three courses dedicated to this program, you will learn step by step to create such databases and to process their data. Within the first lessons, you will get acquainted with the program environment and the used terminology. You ...
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