... intend to enhance your qualifications ?
... need to increase your productivity ?
... wish to prepare yourself for a better job ?
... seek to master all the software features
that you have paid for ?
... just wish to learn some new skills ?
Individuals and small organizations that seek to improve their skills in using Microsoft Office applications can obtain a selected set of courses on a DVD-ROM or download them. These courses can be installed on the computer disk or on the company intranet. There even exists an option to study the courses directly on-line from the GOPAS internet learning servers in the section My Account/My Courses
The set of courses is presented through the user friendly Course Manager program. This allows users to browse the course structure, to study a selected tutorial, to undertake an exercise or to carry out a quiz. The Course Manager is able to record the test results. It also remembers which parts of a course were completed and indicates to the user which parts of the course s/he might potentially skip due to satisfactory results in the pre-assessment test.
The Course Manager comprises a search engine that helps students to quickly find only those lessons that contain the requisite keywords. The Course library is therefore suitable not only for systematic learning but can be used also for Just-in-time learning or as a Performance support tool.
On the other hand, the Course Manager cannot be a substitute for a Learning Management System because it stores its data locally in the user profile on the user’s PC and does not enable exporting or reporting the study results to a central database. In the event that you are interested in this type of functionality please see the Corporate Customers section.
To learn about the Course Libraries and Course Sets that are available, see the Product Catalog (e-shop) section. You will also find a description of the content, even down to the lesson level. And when you have choosen the appropriate Course Set or Library, you can even purchase it immediately.
The prices quoted in the Product Catalog are for individual licences. For educational institutions requiring up to 50 licences we provide an EDU discount of 30% from the cost of individual licences. To obtain this discount, please register acurately as an e-shop user and in the section My Account/My Account apply for the discount by sending to us an "Educational discount" request.
In the event of a larger number of educational licences being required, please contact us directly. We will be pleased to seek out the most favourable conditions for your project.